Emphasising the breathing, core stability and postural alignment techniques of Pilates, the Power Pilates approach uses weights, fitballs and other items of gym equipment to tone those muscles Pilates does not reach.
Get fit, burn fat and boogie on! Rhythmic cardio workout will leave you concentrating on the music and burning the calories in no time. With varied moves and techniques you will work lots of muscle groups and develop your fitness.
The starting point for new members in good health, Easy Rider lets you learn the techniques of spinning in a safe and funky way without overtaxing beginners. Easy Rider is 45min long and will gently warm you up, make you breathe a little heavier, perhaps pant a little (even a lot if you are quite unfit!) and generally get you moving quite vigorously. In 45min you could easily burn over 500 calories; it's addictive!
Join in with a group all at a similar fitness level. This entry-level class is for deconditioned members, overweight or obese members or those recovering from cardiac or pulmonary illness. Sensitive Cycling is ideal for rehabilitation including recovery from orthopaedic surgery and other traumas.
All injuries as they begin to heal benefit from oxygenation and gentle movement to speed recovery. Always using Heart Rate Monitors, in Sensitive cycling we ensure you remain safe and learn (or re-learn) how to exercise very gently and gradually, increasing your intensity and volume very gradually as your fitness and health return.
These classes explore techniques for working core muscles like your Abs, Obliques, Glutes and Thighs. Using a variety of floor based techniques and the fitball and other equipment we can really get to work on the muscles which define your waistline and support your spine.
A low impact strength training class suitable for all. We use variable weights with music to tone and strengthen all major muscle groups, with an emphasis on the upper body (shoulders, chest, arms and abs).
Balancing whilst exercising on a fitball challenges you to improve your posture while strengthening your all-over body-tone.
This is a music-led all-over body workout which focuses on toning muscles by using lighter weights and higher repetition counts (low weight / high reps.) As such it does not necessarily promote muscle growth, but helps you tone up and burn fat in one go using free weights (usually dumbbells) and floor-based mat work.
A bit longer and quite a bit harder than Easy Rider, Easy Boogie is 60 minutes of sweaty fat-burning fun. It's the perfect stepping-stone to Boogie Bike, yet remains a popular, vigorous workout in its own right. If you ride regularly or run, swim or practice any regular sport, you should be fit enough to try Easy Boogie even if you have never spinned before, but be warned: it's not all that "Easy" at all, and for many people Easy Boogie is plenty hard enough!
With an emphasis on breathing, core stability and postural alignment, Pilates develops strong backs and flat stomachs. Pilates is also great to help heal back injuries and for back rehabilitation.